Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You Don't Grow on the Mountaintop...

As I struggle through the first month of a new routine with my daughter's school, and attempt to find the TIME to do all that I aspire to do, I'm reminded that these frustrating times are often the birthplace of greatness. I so desperately want to read, write, run, do yoga, meditate, and shower each day!!! But the truth is, I just can't fit it all in and still manage to be a mother to my two small children. I struggle to find balance, and find it nearly impossible to prioritize. Still, I persevere, and wake each day, excited to give myself any amount of attention I can. I choose to view my circumstances not through the lens of frustration, but through the lens of hopeful expectation. I do not expect that I will create peace and harmony in my inner and outer lives overnight, but I do expect it to happen. I make small choices every day, and I believe that every little bit adds up.

Some days are more "growth" focused than others, but I grow every day. I have stopped worrying if the cup is half full or half empty. Today, I am just so grateful for the cup! I love my life. I love my family. And I approach each day with a spirit of growth. It's easy to forget that I can't really expect too much more from myself.